So the school year in Japan ends in March, right when spring break in the US would be starting. I've been asked to come up with an idea for the last class of 3rd years and I think I've got something good. Basically we'll tape a piece of paper to the back of the student and then we'll let other students walk around and write stuff on the paper. Positive comments of course.. at least for the main part! I've watched these kids grow up since they were in 2nd year, not even halfway through their middle school years yet, and now they're graduating. It's hard to believe, and makes me feel even older.
This year I'm finally buying all 3 year books. The year books here are ALL in color, but only include the graduating year. It sucks because that means there will be kids whose year books I won't get to have when I go back home. Also, these things are EXPENSIVE. I'll be paying 34,000 yen, or about $370, for all of them.

I'm on a quest to get to as many restaurants in Kesennuma as possible. I've been going every Monday and so far I've been liking what I've been going to. Last Monday I went to Sushi Taihei and it had DELICIOUS sushi. The sushi second on the lower left (right above a pure white sushi) is called uni, or sea urchin. The difference between fresh and not so fresh uni is the difference between day and night. Kappa sushi has uni, but it's not fresh so it tastes like garbage. Taihei's uni is AMAZING. I will likely go back, even though it was a bit expensive (4,000 yen to get full. Ouch!)
卒業アルバム【そつぎょうアルバム】 (sotsugyou/arubamu) classbook; yearbook; graduation album
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