As I live longer and longer in Japan, I get used to things more, and these become harder to write. Maybe I'll think of more when I go back home.
61. Japanese police drive around with their lights on even if they aren't chasing anyone. I've heard it's just to provide more "police awareness" but who knows.
62. Teachers here go to school on Saturday... and often Sunday. Ouch.
63. The way people say no to hanging out with you is to act all interested, then say that something came up later on through a "don't have to see your face but can still turn you down" method, such as texting.
64. The milk here is like 3.5-5%.
65. The space bar on a computer is about half the size of English keyboards.
66. Wi-Fi is still pretty rare here.
67. The word "difficult" in Japanese is often used to mean "no."
68. Japanese people do not laugh during movies.
69. Japanese school year books only include the graduating class.
70. Japanese snowmen have 2 bodies while American ones have 3.